Welcome to the Website of the Colorado Council of Black Nurses Inc.

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Quick Note: It's Health Insurance Open Enrollment Season!

The Health Insurance Marketplace®[1] Open Enrollment Period ends January 15th. For assistance with finding affordable health insurance through Colorado's Health Marketplace, and info on tax credits and cost-sharing reductions, access Connect For Health Colorado HERE (https://connectforhealthco.com/). Looking for something else? FACT SHEET and Healthcare.gov. Thanks to the dedication of the Colorado Black Health Collaborative, a variety of health resources right for you can be found all year long by accessing the new Colorado Black Health Resource Directory online: https://blackhealthresources.org/.

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Were Pumped And Ready To Go!

CCBN Back On The Move For 2025

After a much needed break to renew, refuel, and re-energize, CCBN is back on the move for an exciting new year of innovation for the profession of Nursing, for the benefit of underserved communities, and for optimal health care for all. Check out the Upcoming events to see what's happening in 2025!

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(Scroll down or click HERE to the featured event to engage in the future of health care.)


(Click the Pic to REGISTER direct for an event)


Click Here to Sign Up for the next Public CCBN Meeting

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100% of Recently Graduated CCBN Scholars and CCBN Student Members Passed the NCLEX!

CCBN continues to maintain its 100% NCLEX pass rate of student members since the beginning of the pandemic. Congrats to our recently graduated CCBN Scholars and CCBN student members who graduated with an ADN or BSN. As of July 2024, ALL passed their NCLEX and are full-fledged RN’s! Congrats to CCBN Scholars Naomi Alvaro BSN, RN, Evonne Eze BSN, RN, Jael Mallory BSN, RN, and Jordan Sherman BSN, RN. Congrats also to Reatea Kifletsion BSN, RN for leveling up from an ADN to a BSN! The future of Nursing at its best!


Scroll Down To See How We Promote Culturally Competent and Equitable Healthcare for All

should not be burdened with determining the health standards for

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Join The Colorado Council of Black Nurses Inc in supporting under-served communities to be equal contributors in the determination of healthcare standards by increasing the number of Black/African American professional nurses throughout the healthcare continuum. You don't have to be "Black" to belong. You only need a desire to support the mission of equitable healthcare for ALL and a willingness to address health equity from a cultural perspective.

<p style="font-size: 15px">Dedication: COVID She-roes. Health field women representing Colorado on the front line of the COVID-19 pandemic. 2020
<p style="font-size: 15px">Profession Advancement: CCBN's Space Nursing Program is announced by the 2022 CCBN President, Robin Bruce FN, BSN, RN at the 2022 Colorado Nurses Association Convention. (2022)
<p style="font-size: 15px">Success: Congratulations to new nurse Elsy Peoples BSN, RN, who as of October 2021 is also a CCBN Scholar Alumni!
<p style="font-size: 15px">Scholarship: New CCBN Scholar Carrie Smith is in good company among CCBN Scholars at the 2021 CCBN Scholarship Soiree.
<p style="font-size: 15px">Community Advancement: CCBN extends its reach across Colorado thanks to Colorado's Health Capitol (CHC). CCBN now has the opportunity to reach the Western Slopes and Eastern Plains as a part of CHC's Community Access Program. 2021
<p style="font-size: 15px">Aerospace: Thanks to space, aeronautic, education, nursing and other health experts who worked together to make space exploration a reality for our youth and the virgin flight of the CCBN Space Expo a success. Join us for the 2022 national launch. 2021
<p style="font-size: 15px">Achievement: CCBN Scholar Dayriana Sanders receives prestigious award in recognition of her contributions toward college student success from the Colorado Community College System. 2021
<p style="font-size: 15px">Men's Health: Free Prostate Screening. Retired nurses (from left to right) Lee Thomas RN along with CCBN members Dr. Margie Cook RN, Dorothy Reid RN, and Loretta Tipton-Perry RN show how nurses never really retire and stay on the ready for whenever the need arises lending a hand at the free prostate screening event collaboration with Colorado Black Health Collaborative and Inner City Health. 2021
<p style="font-size: 15px">Recognition: It's a GO! Thanks to CCBN member and Councilwoman Jennifer Allen-Thomas RN (3rd from left), CO will have a Nurse license plate. Proceeds help fund nursing scholarships. 2021
<p style="font-size: 15px">Outreach: CCBN showed up to educate and vaccinate at the Black Arts Festival. Members Shown (alphabetically): Elerie Archer RN, Robin Bruce RN, Janaye Culton MA, and Elsy David RN.  2021
<p style="font-size: 15px">Community: CCBN on the move in the community educating on subjects from COVID to Nursing in Space. Members shown: Ana Cox LPN, Councilwoman Jennifer Allen-Thomas RN, CCBN Scholar Jael Mallory. 2021
<p style="font-size: 15px">Professional Development: The 3rd Annual New Grad Symposium addressed the need for nurses to maintain their mental health thanks to NGS Coordinator Lynn Hoskins RN, Michael Wilkins MSW, LCSW, Ana Cox LPN, CCBN Scholar Janaye Culton MA, Dr. Laura Excell RN, and Beverly Wasserman RN. 2021
<p style="font-size: 15px">Community: CCBN and ECCBN members answer the call at COVID Pop Up Clinics in underserved communities. Shown: Clinic at King Baptist Church spearheaded by CCBN/ECCBN Member Loretta Tipton-Perry RN. 2021
<p style="font-size: 15px">Dedication: Known for our dedication, CCBN follows through to make sure communities receive the 2nd shot. Members Shown (alphabetically): RN's Loretta Tipton-Perry, Dorothy Reid, Christine Foster, President Robin Bruce, Elerie Archer, and Jennifer Allen-Thomas.  2021
<p style="font-size: 15px">Achievement: Margie Cook PhD, RN among the panel of Global MindED's Wonder Women of Healthcare. 2021
<p style="font-size: 15px">Project PPE AID: Our scholarship recipients (CCBN Scholars) stay active and give back to the community. CCBN Scholar Jael Mallory assists in delivering much needed masks to a local women's shelter. 2020
<p style="font-size: 15px">Outreach: CCBN Scholar Danyelle Gilbert SN speaks about health disparities on Erica Cobb's Comback Podcast Show. 2020
<p style="font-size: 15px">Global Outreach: Parish Nurse Emma Jackson RN (right)in Zimbabwe, Africa
<p style="font-size: 15px">Social Action: Behind the scenes of the COVID-19 pandemic, CCBN/ECCBN members making and delivering 1,000 masks to local care facilities and homeless communities.Shown: President Robin Bruce RN, Past President Margie Cook PhD, and Arabela Bruce CNA. 2020
<p style="font-size: 15px">Dedication: On the front line of the COVID-19 pandemic, CCBN Scholar Janaye Culton MA/CNA armed with PPE gear and a prayer. 2020
<p style="font-size: 15px">History: CCBN contributed to the success of the Dr. Justina Ford 150th Birthday Celebration. Look for us in the video. 2021
<p style="font-size: 15px">Profession Advancement: Aerospace Scientists to Emmy winners convened at the CCBN Space Talks to make space a reality for the next generation. CCBN Space Expo creator Ana Cox LPN (shown bottom right) 2021
<p style="font-size: 15px">Scholarship: Congrats to CCBN Scholar Alumna Kelci Boyard BSN, RN on her promotion as the 2020 CCBN Scholarship Program Chairman!
<p style="font-size: 15px">Professional Development: Grant Writing Workshop thanks to John Weir. Members Shown: RN's Lynn Hoskins, Robin Bruce, Dr. Margie Cook, and Dorothy Reid, and nurse graduate Rose Jean Gilles 2019
<p style="font-size: 15px">Profession Advancement: Year two of the New Graduate Symposium introduced those aspiring to advance in the nursing profession to Space Nursing thanks to CCBN/ECCBN Member Lynn Hsokins BSN, RN. 2020
<p style="font-size: 15px">Dedication: CCBN Nurses honored by the Colorado Nurses Association. (left to right) Beverley Wasserman RN, Dr. Margie Cook RN, Robin Bruce RN, and Dorothy Reid RN. 2021
<p style="font-size: 15px">Philanthropy: Past ECCBN President Chris Bryant DNP, RN and THRIVE Center President Veronica Camargo Fundraise at the 2019 CBHC Black & White Gala in Denver, CO.
<p style="font-size: 15px">Health Equity: Multi-ethnic organizations collaborated to address child and youth health disparitiesat the CCBN/ECCBN Health Equity Accord Year 2 held February  15, 2020 at Children's Colorado.
<p style="font-size: 15px">Outreach: CCBN Scholar Janaye Culton educated new moms at the Center for African American Health's Collaborative Black Health Summit. 2021
<p style="font-size: 15px">Philanthropy: ECCBN Members Represent at the 2019 Colorado Black Health Collaborative Black & White Gala. ECCBN is an official sponsor of CBHC. 2019
<p style="font-size: 15px">THANK YOU: Thank You to the families of our CCBN/ECCBN members who share us with those in need and willingly risk their health so our nurses and and healthcare workers can serve the health needs of the community. 2021
<p style="font-size: 15px">Community: ECCBN Treasurer Dorothy Reid BSN, RN fundraisingfor 2019 CO Sickle Cell Association Walk.
<p style="font-size: 15px">Social Action: CCBN "retired" nurses Dr. Margie Cook and Dorothy Reid RN are heavy hitters in administering COVID vaccinations. Shown: Dr. Cook 2021
<p style="font-size: 15px">CO Social Action: Governor Jared Polis and ECCBN President at CO Black Caucus Event 2019<p style="font-size: 10px">Photo courtesy of McBoat Photography
<p style="font-size: 15px">Social Action: 3rd annual CCBN Health Equity Accord takes a different angle on racism thanks to all involved and especially our sponsors Connect for Health Colorado, Tana Padilla, Rocky Mountain Association of Black Psychologists, National Association of Black Social Workers, and Confluency Consultants & Associates. 2021
<p style="font-size: 15px">Profession: Members of the Iota Eta Chapter of Chi Eta Phi Inc. National Nursing Sorority communed with CCBN/ECCBN members to address health equity and donate to those in need during the holiday season. 2019
<p style="font-size: 15px">International Relations: CCBN Scholar Naomi Alvaro assists with the free flu shot  event hosted by the African Leadership Group amid COVID-19 in Nov 2020
<p style="font-size: 15px">Philanthropy: Welcoming in the new year with the spirit of giving,CCBN Scholar Danyelle Gilbert CNA and immediate past president Margie Cook PhDdeliver books and toiletries to a local battered women's shelter.Items donated by Chi Eta Phi and CCBN/ECCBN members. 2020
<p style="font-size: 15px">Health Equity: CCBN's first ever double webinar - one in Spanish - led by CCBN member Beverly Wasserman RN was a huge success thanks to the super interpretation skills of CCBN Scholars Elsy David SN and Dayriana Sanders SN. 2021
<p style="font-size: 15px">Scholarship: Scholarship Program members Robin Bruce and Kelci Boyard with Colorado Opportunity Scholarship Initiative (COSI) leaders. 2019
<p style="font-size: 15px">Social Action: Dr. Terri Richardson of CBHC and Dr. Margie Cook of CCBN/ECCBN administered flu shots to metro-Denver's African communities amid COVID-19 in Nov 2020
<p style="font-size: 15px">Scholarship: Congratulations to CCBN Scholar Naomi Alvaro (shown with CCBN Scholarship Committee ChairmanRobin Bruce) who graduated with anAssociates in Science Degree. Next stop: BSN! 2019
<p style="font-size: 15px">Kudos: Congrats to ECCBN President Dr. Margie Cook (left) on receiving a 2019 Community Service Award from the Reginas' Social and Civic Club, founded by the Honorable Gloria Tanner (right of Dr. Cook), at their 60th Anniversary Celebration. 2019
<p style="font-size: 15px">Community: Supporting community development and education at the 2019St. Stephen's Missionary Baptist Church Gala. Shown: Vice President Robin Bruce RN with Pastor Randolph C. West Jr.
<p style="font-size: 15px">Firsts: Dr. Betty Williams, the only Black Deanof CU School of Nursing, with Dr. Cook 2016</p>
<p style="font-size: 15px">Social Action: Rep. Leslie Herod (HD-8) and ECCBN Vice President at CO Black Caucus Event 2019<p style="font-size: 10px">Photo courtesy of McBoat Photography
<p style="font-size: 15px">Professional Development: QMAP through DNP were well represented on the nurse track panel at the ECCBN New Grad Symposium Panel which informed many new (and not so new) to the nurse profession about scope of practice and employment rights. 2019
<p style="font-size: 15px">Scholarship: CCBN Scholar Lorrena (right) meetscommunity icon Cleo Parker Robinson (mid) 2018




On Sunday, December 8, 2024, the Colorado Council of Black Nurses Inc introduced its two new scholarship recipients: Bernard F. Gispon Sr. Nurse Science Scholar, Daneilia Whyte and Barabara Tunely Crenshaw Nursing Scholar, Analisa Lorquet. Additionally, the two new scholarships of the PAS Behavioral Health Scholarship and the EXPANSE Aerospace Scholarship, which provides the opportunity for much needed funding in the areas of mental/behavioral health including substance abuse as well as Aerospace Nursing and Space Nursing respectively, was announced much to the excitement of participants. More information on these great advancements will be available in January 2025 after CCBN's Winter Break.

Click HERE to visit the Scholarship Program Page.

The Stiles and CCBN Collaborate on "Health Strips"

A Casual Conversation Between Childhood Friends Blossoms Into A Healthy Alternative To Concrete Jungles And “Rights” The Way

Roots from the Stiles Heritage Gardens tops this collage of images that includes the VOTE banner that hangs off the Stiles African American Heritage Center's front porch. Roots photo by EBPixs.

Back in 2023, when Stiles African American Heritage Center president, Kala Greene, mentioned to CCBN’s then president, Robin Bruce, about “hell strips” – you know those often neglected, hard to upkeep, patches of city property between the sidewalk and street classified as a “right of way” that becomes the responsibility of the residential or business property owner behind it to take care of – she could not possibly have imagined where that phrase would lead. Always looking for healthy solutions to any concern, Robin suggested that Kala turn the “hell” strips into “health” strips made of edible plants and herbs that not only could conserve water but may help remedy the food desert along the Five Points corridor and surrounding areas. One thought led to another between the two friends, and with the ingenuity of Stiles board member, Lee Lee Leonard, the Stiles Heritage Gardens was brought to life. Click HERE to follow the path as the Health Strips take us back to our roots by way of a palatable and healthy journey through Black history as told by the Heritage Gardens in collaboration with CCBN.  

On a final note, we displayed SAAHC’s reminder banner to VOTE… because your HEALTH depends on it!


The Colorado Council of Black Nurses is on a mission to break the resistance barrier that for the past 70 years has kept nurses from exiting Earth's orbit. We have ignited. Check out below what we did this space season and keep up with what CCBN is doing for Space Nursing on the CCBN Space Expo page ...

CCBN Space Season Ends, Kicks Off New Space Year With A Win For Space Healthcare


It's All About YOUTH in Space, Baby!

Scan the QR Code to ask a question, submit your project, and more!
Scan the QR Code to ask a question, submit your project, and more!

The Aerospace Nursing Department of the Colorado Council of Black Nurses Inc launched its 4th year of CCBN Space Expos for youth. The CCBN Space Expos, which launch annually on the week of the last Tuesday in September, marks the culmination of the CCBN space year and kicks off the new CCBN space year. During the week of Monday, September 23rd and ending Friday, September 27, 2024, Earth's youth had the opportunity to tell (or show) us how they explored their space dreams by signing up to share their space accomplishments at this hybrid expo geared to aid youth in seeing their importance as an integral part of space future. See snippets of events that lead up to this year's CCBN Space Expo (Expo), engage in the future festivities, and/or share the happenings in your area on the 2024 Launch Pad. There's still time to to let us know what was done during Expo week as we'll keep the 2024 application open for the rest of the year to give youth a chance to post their projects. After a successful pre-launch at the recent CCBN Health Equity Accord, CCBN Space Talks are back and will officially launch at this year's SpaceVision. Youth and adults can sign up for CCBN Space Talks starting November 1st.

Click the pic or scan the QR code to submit a question, register a project, participate in a Space Talk, share your space event, and more! #aChanceToLeap #CCBNSpaceExpo


It's All About Space, Baby!

at the 2024 CCBN Health Equity Accord

Forward thinkers from the health, space, education, manufacturing, and real estate professions as well as the clergy and students took a deep dive into the near future of health care in space at Colorado Council of Black Nurses' annual Health Equity Accord (HEA) on Tuesday, September 17, 2024 from 1 pm - 5 pm MT, in Colorado Springs at the Center for Healthcare Education and Simulation. Participants think tanked together the current and future health and health care concerns and opportunities that come with space travel and habitation that could affect the standard of care right here on planet Earth. Those who stayed for the Simulation tour got a taste of what a Space Nursing simulator will look like. The experience was said to be "mind-blowing!"

Thanks to our sponsors for all their support and getting the word out: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, CCBN Inc Aerospace, Colorado Nurses Association, Colorado Space Business Roundtable, JDS Consulting, Jeffco chapter of the Colorado Nurses Association, National Association of Hispanic Nurses, Philippine Nurses Association of Colorado, Pikes Peak State College, and as always, the dedicated members of the Colorado Council of Black Nurses Inc! #SpaceNursing #CCBNSpaceNursing #CCBNIA




Colorado Nurse License Plates Now Available... Supports Nurses Education

We are elated to announce, that after many long months, the Colorado Nurse License Plate spearheaded by CCBN member Jennifer Allen-Thomas RN that honors Colorado’s nurses and helps support Colorado Nursing students is finally available for public purchase!  To get the DMV certificate, go to the Colorado Nurses Foundation website at https://www.coloradonursesfoundation.com/nurses-license-plate1 or click the link located under CCBN’s donation tab. #ColoradoNursesRock

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CCBN is doing its part in stopping the spread of COVID-19 by providing tips and information on how YOU can TAKE CONTROL of YOUR part in stopping the spread of this coronavirus. CLICK HERE or go to the COVID-19 tab to learn how you can TAKE CONTROL to STOP the SPREAD.

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We Suggest Love... Above All... Through It All... For All

"Can't get rid of hate unless you replace it with something else." Quote from "Burden" by Andrew Heckler

Whether it's at a Town Hall, Seminar, Legislative Hearing, or Community Gathering, please join CCBN and ECCBN as we address Racism within the Healthcare Continuum.

As the first REGISTERED Black nurse in the United States, Mary Mahoney was well known for her professionalism, excellent nursing skills, and her ability to inspire others to work together for human rights.
Mary Eliza Mahoney - The first African American nurse in the United States.

Mary Eliza Mahoney

For 50 years, the Colorado Council of Black Nurses, Inc. (CCBN) has continued the tradition of professionalism, excellent nursing skills, and the promotion of equal human rights through collaborative practices that address healthcare disparities as well as health status disparities from a cultural perspective. CCBN's initiation and promotion of culturally competent and equitable health care practices within the state of Colorado has effected change in global health initiatives, national healthcare standards, Colorado state healthcare policies, and postsecondary curriculum in colleges, universities, and schools of Nursing throughout the state of Colorado; thereby improving the health status of all Coloradoans through the sustaining of high quality and professional health care.


Please consider making a tax deductible donation to the Colorado Council of Black Nurses, Inc. Thank you!

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