Although cash or in-kind donations are a necessary resource and are always welcome, it is not the only type of resource. A balanced portfolio of different resources will ensure the success of the mission and make the vision a reality. Please consider DONATING your TIME, TALENT, and/or RESOURCES. Can't decide? Making a general donation is a handy option that's always useful and appreciated. Thanks so much for giving!

More Ways To Give:

To give to a specific program or initiative, simply click on the red highlighted (bold) text of the fund you wish to donate to. Once in the payment menu, choose the amount of your donation or click "other" to customize the amount, and click the "(optional) use this donation for" drop down menu to specify where to direct your donated funds. More specific instructions can be added if needed after selecting the payment method (PayPal or credit card). Selecting the "help cover fees" option assures that 100% of your donated funds goes to your selected cause. Monthly and yearly donation options are also available for sustained giving. Thank You for Your Support!

The CCBN SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM FUND is the general fund for the Scholarship Program that is available to distribute monies across all education and education supports funding platforms offered through the Colorado Council Black Nurses Inc. Want to add a personal touch? Send a message with your donation as a Friend and Family Donor or as a Community Support Donor.

Our Mission Support Donations go a long way in assuring that our Divisions and supporting Departments have the funding to fulfill their various duties, to be ever ready to embark on health initiatives as the need arises, and to institute any programs that support the profession of Nursing to be a force of optimal health care for all people.

Our Event Sponsorships is an opportunity for those interested in supporting any or all of our annual public events of the CCBN Health Equity Accord, CCBN New Grad Symposium, CCBN Scholars at the Health & Wellness Pavilion of the Black Arts Festival, CCBN Annual Kick-Off, CCBN Space Expo, CCBN Scholarship Soiree, and CCBN Holiday Gathering. Just select from the drop-down menu which event you are sponsoring. Any amount greater than, less than (unless there is a minimum) or in between the suggested donation are welcomed and equally appreciated so that everyone of any means can help sponsor an event for the health of the communities we serve!

The Dr. Cook Birthday Giving Initiative embodies the giving spirit of founding member Margie Cook PhD, RN whose practice of giving gifts on her birthday instead of receiving them encourages donors to give a monetary gift in the dollar amount of their age on their birthday to CCBN for use in support of its various programs and initiatives.

The Health & Wellness Pavilion at the annual Black Arts Festival is an opportunity for CCBN Scholars to get a hands on experience in the Nursing profession while educating the public. Your support not only helps fund scholarships, with half your donation going directly to the Scholarship Fund to make more Nursing and nurse pathway scholarships and grants available, but helps defray expenses associated with the CCBN Scholarship Program's participation at the Pavilion. As always, CCBN sponsors may set up a complimentary booth at any live event they sponsor. This is also a great opportunity for sponsoring health care employers to meet potential employees and inform them about the benefits of joining your workforce team! Don't have the resources to man a booth but want to support the cause? There is a table literature only option that allows us to display your pamphlet or QR code on a shared sponsor section on a CCBN table. Whatever the ability, just select "CCBN Scholars at Health & Wellness Pavilion" from the drop-down menu.

The Dorothy Livingston Memorial Donation is in recognition of the pioneering contributions to the advancement of the profession of nursing by past member, the late Dorothy Livingston, and is distributed to the Scholarship Program Fund.

The COVID-19 Relief & Research Fund are funds concentrated toward empowerment during the time of COVID-19. Whether it's assisting with post coronavirus infection follow-up care such as free or steeply discounted telehealth care, assist families of frontline workers, global COVID outreach assistance, funding elementary and secondary school student COVID research projects to stave off mental health stressors and feelings of hopelessness by empowering youth to be active contributors in triumphing over COVID-19 and more, these funds are used to support initiatives that improve physical and mental health in the time of COVID. Some funds may be used to help support Project PPE AID.

The Colorado Opportunity Scholarship Initiative (COSI) Matching Grant is an incentive out of the Colorado Department of Higher Education that matches dollar for dollar donations made to the Scholarship Program in support of students attending public colleges and universities. Since many underrepresented communities often limited to attending private institutions of learning,

Thank you for your generosity!

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