It's election season. Do you know what are the healthcare policies in your city, county, state, and the nation? Did you know that they can affect you? Equitable health should be a basic Human Right, not a privilege, so exercise your right to VOTE! Your health depends on it! “
Don’t Miss This Opportunity To Be At The Forefront of Space Health Care
It's All About Space, Baby!
Join forward thinkers in the space and health industries as CCBN takes a deep dive into the near future of health care in space on Tuesday, September 17, 2024 form 1 pm - 5 pm MT. Explore together the current and future health and health care concerns and advances associated with space travel and space habitation that can affect the standard of care right here on planet Earth. Think tank healthcare considerations for environments outside of Earth's atmosphere and how the space industry can play an integral part in the development of stable off-planet health care environments. Realize the importance of workforce development considerations for this specialty area of the Nursing profession. Find out what's so special about the CHES campus, take a tour of their amaaaazing simulation labs, and discover why they are CCBN's top pick to collaborate on a first of its kind space Nursing simulator! Hear about the "boot prints" being made by CCBN Inc Aerospace, CCBN's Space Nursing division.
As always, participants have the opportunity to network with members of the nursing profession community, CCBN's collaborative partners, and supporters of the Nursing profession. Discover where agendas intersect and how to collectively utilize resources effectively to achieve the mission of equitable health care for all on Earth, in space, and the atmospheres in between! Free and open to the public. Some portions available virtually. REGISTRATION REQUIRED. To register, just click the pic or scan the QR code. In-person registration will close at 5 pm on Sunday, September 15. Registration for the virtual portion will remain open until all slots filled.
Special "THANKS!" to event sponsors and supporters, including (in alphabetical order) *AIAA, CCBN Inc Aerospace, CNA, CSBR, DNA 20, JDS Consulting, NAHN Denver, PNACO, PPSC and, as always, the dedicated members of the Colorado Council of Black Nurses, Inc.
#SpaceNursing #CCBNSpaceNursing #CCBNIA
*AIAA = American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics; CNA = Colorado Nurses Association; CSBR = Colorado Space Business Roundtable; DNA 20 = Jeffco chapter of the Colorado Nurses Association; NAHN = National Association of Hispanic Nurses; PNACO = Philippine Nurses Association of Colorado; PPSC = Pikes Peak State College; CCBN = Colorado Council of Black Nurses Inc.
Click Here to Sign Up for the next Public CCBN Meeting
Click Here to Apply for a CCBN Scholarship (Feb 1st - July 1st)
100% of Recently Graduated CCBN Scholars and CCBN Student Members Passed the NCLEX!
CCBN continues to maintain its 100% NCLEX pass rate of student members since the beginning of the pandemic. Congrats to our recently graduated CCBN Scholars and CCBN student members who graduated with an ADN or BSN. As of July 2024, ALL passed their NCLEX and are full-fledged RN’s! Congrats to CCBN Scholars Naomi Alvaro BSN, RN, Evonne Eze BSN, RN, Jael Mallory BSN, RN, and Jordan Sherman BSN, RN. Congrats also to Reatea Kifletsion BSN, RN for leveling up from an ADN to a BSN! The future of Nursing at its best!
Scroll Down To See How We Promote Culturally Competent and Equitable Healthcare for All
should not be burdened with determining the health standards for
Join The Colorado Council of Black Nurses Inc in supporting under-served communities to be equal contributors in the determination of healthcare standards by increasing the number of Black/African American professional nurses throughout the healthcare continuum. You don't have to be "Black" to belong. You only need a desire to support the mission of equitable healthcare for ALL and a willingness to address health equity from a cultural perspective.
On August 17th, Nursing students, nurses, and a variety of nurse pathway, health, and education professionals gathered on the CHES Campus of Pikes Peak State College in Colorado Springs to find out what's new on the CCBN horizon - and they found out it was worth the trip! At the CCBN Annual Kick-Off, attendees got to meet and greet, network (of course), learn where they fit in CCBN initiatives, and enjoy a special tour of Pikes Peak State College's Center for Healthcare Education & Simulation (CHES). It was Amazing!
Our 50th year was a great adventure and a springboard into the advancement of the profession of Nursing. With new leaders come new innovations and the adventure is only picking up speed.
Click HERE to See the Leaders of 2024!
Colorado Nurse License Plates Now Available... Supports Nurses Education
We are elated to announce, that after many long months, the Colorado Nurse License Plate spearheaded by CCBN member Jennifer Allen-Thomas RN that honors Colorado’s nurses and helps support Colorado Nursing students is finally available for public purchase! To get the DMV certificate, go to the Colorado Nurses Foundation website at or click the link located under CCBN’s donation tab. #ColoradoNursesRock
The Colorado Council of Black Nurses is on a mission to break the resistance barrier that for the past 70 years has kept nurses from exiting Earth's orbit. We have ignited. Stay Tuned...
CCBN is doing its part in stopping the spread of COVID-19 by providing tips and information on how YOU can TAKE CONTROL of YOUR part in stopping the spread of this coronavirus. CLICK HERE or go to the COVID-19 tab to learn how you can TAKE CONTROL to STOP the SPREAD.
We Suggest Love... Above All... Through It All... For All
"Can't get rid of hate unless you replace it with something else." Quote from "Burden" by Andrew Heckler
Whether it's at a Town Hall, Seminar, Legislative Hearing, or Community Gathering, please join CCBN and ECCBN as we address Racism within the Healthcare Continuum.
As the first REGISTERED Black nurse in the United States, Mary Mahoney was well known for her professionalism, excellent nursing skills, and her ability to inspire others to work together for human rights.
Mary Eliza Mahoney
For 50 years, the Colorado Council of Black Nurses, Inc. (CCBN) has continued the tradition of professionalism, excellent nursing skills, and the promotion of equal human rights through collaborative practices that address healthcare disparities as well as health status disparities from a cultural perspective. CCBN's initiation and promotion of culturally competent and equitable health care practices within the state of Colorado has effected change in global health initiatives, national healthcare standards, Colorado state healthcare policies, and postsecondary curriculum in colleges, universities, and schools of Nursing throughout the state of Colorado; thereby improving the health status of all Coloradoans through the sustaining of high quality and professional health care.