A great big THANK YOU to the COVID Disparities Committee and Panelists, Community Partners and Participants, and All who got the word out about this event!
Your selfless acts and dedication brought, and continues to bring, much needed information to underserved communities and to those who believe that good health is a right and not a privilege.
January 26th Webinar
El Dr. Alejandro D. Cané, originalmente de Argentina, es Doctor en Medicina (MD) y Profesor, experto en enfermedades infecciosas y vacunas. El Dr. Cane es Líder de Asuntos Científicos y Médicos de Vacunas en Norte America, como parte de Pfizer.
Guadalupe (Lupe) Solís, nacida en Colorado, es experta en el proceso de identificación de enfermedades y otras condiciones de salud en poblaciones en riesgo y es epidemióloga con el salud pública de Denver.
Fernando Pineda-Reyes, originalmente de México, es un líder comunitario y un experto en divulgación y facilitación comunitaria y es el director ejecutivo de CREA Results.
Enid Nieves, originalmente de Puerto Rico, es una experta en el bienestar de la mente y el cuerpo y es la Directora de Servicios de Línea Directa del Centro de Trauma y Resiliencia.
Here are the videos you have been waiting for. A quick intro to our panelists appear on either side of the videos so you know who's talking to you!
The bad news is that the more professional video of the January 31st webinar was irretrievable; however, the good news is that we still have the Facebook Live versions of both videos below.
Facebook Live Videos
January 26, 2021 Webinar

January 31, 2021 Webinar

January 31st Webinar
Dr. Terri Richardson is a medical doctor and a champion with the CDPHE COVID-19 vaccine equity project who is an expert in long-lasting diseases and how to keep from getting them.
Tempey Hamilton is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and a primary innovator within the COVID-19 Enhanced Patient Support Program at Denver Public Health.
Dr. Michelle Haas is a medical doctor who is an expert in infectious diseases, and the Medical Director of the COVID-19 Enhanced Patient Support Program at Denver Public Health.
Dr. Ruby Martinez is a Mental Health Nurse Practitioner and Associate Professor Emeriti who is an expert in mental health.
Fernando Pineda-Reyes is a community leader and a community-based outreach and facilitator expert and is the CEO of CREA Results.
January 26th Webinar in Spanish Panelists
El Dr. Alejandro D. Cané, originalmente de Argentina, es un experto en enfermedades infecciosas y vacunas. Ha estudiado sobre vacunas en todo el mundo, incluidos Argentina, Francia y Suiza, y tiene títulos y certificaciones en investigación farmacológica y vacunología, incluida una maestría en investigación clínica y farmacológica. Doctor en Medicina (MD) y profesor especializado en el tratamiento médico de los niños, las enfermedades infecciosas que afectan a los niños y el funcionamiento de los medicamentos y las vacunas, el Dr. Cané ha escrito más de 50 publicaciones en el campo de la pediatría, las enfermedades infecciosas y las vacunas. Actualmente, el Dr. Cané es el líder de asuntos médicos y científicos de vacunas en Norte America como parte de Pfizer Biopharmaceutical Group, fabricantes de la primera vacuna del COVID-19 aprobada para su uso en los Estados Unidos.
Dr. Alejandro D. Cané, originally from Argentina, is an expert in infectious disease and vaccines. He has studied about vaccines all over the world including Argentina, France and Switzerland and holds degrees and certifications in pharmacological research and vaccinology, including a Master’s in Clinical and Pharmacological Research. Both a Medical Doctor (MD) and a Professor specializing in the medical treatment of children, infectious diseases that affect children, and how medications and vaccines work, Dr. Cané has written over 50 publications in the field of Pediatrics, Infectious Diseases and Vaccines. Dr. Cané is currently the Vaccines Scientific and Medical Affairs Lead in North America as part of Pfizer Biopharmaceutical Group, makers of the first COVID-19 vaccine approved for use in the United States of America.
Guadalupe (Lupe) Solís es epidemióloga con el salud pública de Denver, donde trabaja apoyando los esfuerzos actuales de respuesta al COVID-19. En particular, Lupe trabaja en el apoyo al programa de Apoyo mejorado al paciente (EPS) de salud pública de Denver. Nació y se crió en Denver, Colorado, y es una orgullosa hija, hermana, amiga y madre de perro. Durante su tiempo libre, Lupe disfruta de largas caminatas bajo el sol, kickboxing y baile.
Guadalupe (Lupe) Solis, a native of Colorado, is an expert in the process of identifying disease or other health conditions in populations at risk and is an Epidemiologist at Denver Public Health.
Fernando Pineda-Reyes, originally from Mexico, is a community leader and a community-based outreach and facilitator expert. Mr. Pineda-Reyes works with several organizations and agencies on fair treatment in the making of laws that affect the health and environment in Latino communities. With a degree in Clinical Biochemistry and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Mr. Pineda-Reyes’ current programs include marijuana policy and youth prevention, smoking cessation and second-hand smoke, diabetes, nutrition, and health care reform, as well as community-based participatory research and translational research. Mr. Pineda-Reyes is the CEO of CREA Results (Community Research Education Awareness), an organization that works to make known the value of the Latino community by increasing fair and secure health and living conditions.
Enid Nieves, originalmente de Puerto Rico, es una experta en bienestar mental y corporal. Maestra de yoga registrada y instructora certificada de Zumba, la Sra. Nieves brinda servicios de yoga sensible al trauma en inglés y español para clientes, miembros de la comunidad y presos en la cárcel de la ciudad y el condado de Denver. También especialista en Acu-Detox, la Sra. Nieves hace acupuntura en el oído a sobrevivientes de trauma. La Sra. Nieves, quien está estudiando su Maestría en Trabajo Social (MSW), es la Directora de Servicios de Línea Directa para el Centro de Trauma y Resiliencia.
Enid Nieves, originally from Puerto Rico, is an expert in mind and body wellness. A Registered Yoga Teacher and certified Zumba instructor, Ms. Nieves gives Trauma Sensitive Yoga services in both English and Spanish for clients, community members, and inmates at the City and County of Denver Jail. Also an Acu-Detox Specialist, Ms. Nieves does acupuncture on the ear to survivors of trauma. Ms. Nieves, who is studying for her Master’s in Social Work (MSW), is the Director of Hotline Services for The Center for Trauma & Resilience.
January 31st Webinar in English Panelists
Terri Richardson MD is an expert in chronic disease management and prevention with over 30 years of experience as a clinician, health educator, mentor, and volunteer in the health arena. In addition to being a physician at Kaiser Permanente East, Dr. Richardson is the Vice Chair of the Colorado Black Health Collaborative, an organization that tackles health disparities, and is a champion with the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment COVID-19 Vaccine Equity Project, which works to provide education resources and fair access to COVID vaccines in underserved communities.
Tempey Hamilton is an expert in clinical case management services across government and non-profit sectors. A Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Ms. Hamilton travels throughout the country to fill temporary gaps within different healthcare systems. Within the Denver Metro area, the procedures Ms. Hamilton has created in the COVID-19 Enhanced Patient Support Program are utilized by Denver Public Health to provide fair and more equal access to community resources for Denver residents who have tested positive for COVID-19.
Ruby Martinez PhD is an expert in mental health. A Mental Health Nurse Practitioner, Dr. Martinez has provided mental health care services for adolescents through adults, and from public practice at the Colorado Mental Health Institute at Fort Logan and the Denver County Jail to a current private practice that serves diverse populations. Dr. Martinez also taught psychiatric nursing at the University of Colorado, where she retired as an Associate Professor Emeriti, and is the founding member of the National Latino Behavioral Health Association, an organization that through information and support provides help with coping during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Fernando Pineda-Reyes, is a community leader and a community-based outreach and facilitator expert with a degree in Clinical Biochemistry and Pharmaceutical Chemistry. The CEO of CREA Results, an organization that works to increase fair and secure health and living conditions by way of Community-Research-Education-and Awareness, Mr. Pineda-Reyes works with several organizations and agencies on fair treatment in the making of laws that affect the health and environment in Latino communities as well as provides for culturally relevant education on health topics including on COVID-19.
Meet Our Moderators
Elsy David, originally from Honduras, is the moderator of the CCBN COVID Disparities in Hispanic/Latinx and Indigenous Communities webinar in Spanish. A recent Bachelors of Science in Nursing graduate, Ms. David is a CCBN Scholar and member of The Colorado Council of Black Nurses Inc.
Kelci Boyard BSN, RN a Native of Denver, CO is the moderator of the CCBN COVID Disparities in Hispanic/Latinx and Indigenous Communities webinar in English. Ms. Boyard is a member of the Colorado Council of Black Nurses. With two Bachelors of Science, one in chemistry and one in Nursing, Nurse Boyard works as a Case Manager/ Private Duty Nurse in Pediatric Home Health.
Meet the Chairman of the COVID Disparities Committee
Beverly Wasserman BSN, RN has been practicing public health nurse for over 3 decades. In her current role, Beverly is the Nurse Field Consultant at the Denver Prevention Training Center, Denver Public Health-Denver Health. Ms. Wasserman is also a trainer and curriculum developer for the Patient Navigation Training Collaborative at the University of Colorado-Center for Public Health practice. Previously, Beverly practiced as a nurse clinician for patients living with AIDS and worked on AIDS clinical trials. Beverly has presented for numerous local and national conferences, along with providing AIDS care training in Uganda Africa. Beverly is a graduate of the Regional Institute for Health and Environmental Leadership (RIHEL). In both of her current roles, Beverly develops and delivers curriculum around diversity, equity and inclusion along with other health specific topics. Ms. Wasserman is a graduate student at the University of Colorado-College of Nursing, Health Systems Leadership program.
Without whose dedication and outstanding work, this event would not have been possible (in alphabetical order): Kelci Boyard, Robin Bruce, Dr. Margie Cook, Janaye Culton, Danyelle Gilbert, Elsy David, Lynn Hoskins, Emma Jackson, Omarah Macias, Dayriana Sanders, Loretta Tipton-Perry, and Beverly Wasserman.